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Historical souvenir – A famous citizen of Argentina – Jordan Wysocki – birth data in Russia/Poland different than in encyclopedias

Zgłaszający Eksponat:
Tadeusz Wysocki
podziel się z innymi:
A historical souvenir from an amateur genealogist – the birth details of a famous Pole in Argentina other than in encyclopedias

A famous citizen of Argentina JORDAN WYSOCKI / from Europe, Poland as JORDAN SZCZĘSŁAW WYSOCKI – his life in Russia/Poland, the first documents of him and his family are found out in the present day Poland.

To correct the historical data: The true date of birth of Jordan Czesław Wysocki is not the year 1839 (as given in encyclopedias) but 1837, his first names are not Jordan Czeslaw, but Jordan Szczeslaw (Szczęsław, as fully in Polish language), and finally his father’s name is August or Augustyn Wysocki.

Below are scans of the original record of his birth / baptism from Poland, as well as the birth / baptism record of his sister Stanislawa Augusta Wysocka


I. Roman Catholic Church in Pinczow – Birth / Baptism record of JORDAN SZCZESLAW WYSOCKI

Pinczow. 42.
It happened in Pinczow on the sixteenth of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, at three o’clock in the afternoon, Wzny Augustyn Wysocki, Professor of the Regional Schools, aged fifty-two, residing in Pinczow, in the presence of WJX Bazyli Kowalski, Inspector of Schools, aged fifty-six and Born Marcin Baszewiewicz (?) fifty years old, a Teacher at the Regional School, both residing in Pinczow, and showed us a Male Child in Pinczow, Born on the thirteenth day of the Month and of the current Year at eight o’clock in the morning from his Wife Monika née Marczynska (Marczyńska in Polish language), forty years old. This child at the Holy Baptism today by Wmgo Wincenty Klamczynski, the Church Vicar was given the names Jordan Szczeslaw (Szczęsław in Polish language), and His Godparents were the above-mentioned WJX Bazyli Kowalski and Grandmother Tekla Kulikowska. This act was read to the Appearents and Witnesses by Us and the Appearents signed it.

Grzegorz Suchanski (Suchański in Polish language), the Rector of Pinczow
August Wysocki Marcin Banasiewicz
Bazyli Kowalski

II. Roman Catholic Church in Picznow – Birth / Baptism record of STANISLAWA AUGUSTA WYSOCKA

Pinchow 70.
It happened in Pinczow on the eleventh day of May, one thousand eight hundred thirty-three at three o’clock in the afternoon, Urdz. Augustyn Wysocki, the Professor, forty-seven, residing in Pinczow, in the presence of WJX Bazyli Kowalski Rector, fifty-three, and Born. Ignacy Checinski (Checiński in Polish language), Professor of Provincial Schools, thirty-six years old, both of them residing in Pinczow, and he showed us a Child Female in Pinczow Born on the Eighth Day of this Month at five o’clock in the afternoon, from His Wife Monika née Marczyńska, thirty-seven years old, This Child was baptized The saints held today were given the names of Stanislawa (Stanisława in Polish language) Augusta, and her Godparents were the above-mentioned WJX Bazyli Kowalski Rector and Tekla Kulikowska. This act was read to the Appearents and Witnesses by Us and the Appearents signed it.
August Wysocki,  Grzegorz Suchanski (Suchański in Polish language), the Priest Parson of Pinczow
Bazyli Kowalski
Ignacy Checinski (Chęciński in Polish language)


From the above-mentioned entries about the Wysocki’s family and their close friends living in Pinczow, Poland (most of the 19th century under the rule of Russia), we can say – confirm:

I. Augustyn Wysocki – professor/teacher of the provincial and regional schools in Pinczow, the nobleman

II. His wife Monika Wysocka from the Marczynski (Marczyński in Polish language) family

III. Their daughter, Stanislawa Augusta Wysocka, born in Pinczow in the 1833 year.

IV. Their son Jordan Szczeslaw Wysocki – born in Pinczow in the 1837 year.

Their friends in this Pinczow were:

1. Marcin Banasiewicz – professor/teacher of schools in Pinczow, the Polish nobleman

2. Ignacy Checinski – professor/teacher of schools in Pinczow, the Polish nobleman

3. Bazyli Kowalski – rector, inspector of schools in Pinczow, the priest, Polish nobleman

4. Tekla Kulikowska (Kulikowski family) – the Polish noblewoman

5. Maryanna/Marianna Poznanska (Poznańska in Polish language) (Poznanski/Pożnański family) –

The Priests at the parish of Pinczow:

1. Grzegorz Suchanski (Suchański in Polish language) – the parish priest of Pinczow

2. Wincenty Klamczynski (Klamczyński in Polish language) – the curate of the Pinczow parish, the Polish nobleman

(I’m typing all these names in the hope that they will be valuable in genealogical searches of other families in Poland).

I’ve managed to find with the historical documents of Russia/Poland from the 19th century a confirmation about Augustyn Wysocki, professor/teacher of geography and arithmetic, residing in in Pinczww in the 19th century (all information with names may be useful to teachers/students of schools in Pinczow)

Document: “Government Commission for Religious Denominations and Public Enlightenment – Yearbook of Religious and Educational Institutes … – 1824”

page 149 states “Composition of the Teachers’ Assembly of the Faculty School in Pinczww (the faculty of the Academy in Krakow):

# The Rector priest Marcin Bazyli Kowalski, teaching Polish

# The Prefect Father Ignacy Reynowicz, teaching religion and morality

# The Professor Augustyn Wysocki, teaching arithmetic and geography

# The Professor Leopold Grabowski, teaching German and geography

# The “replaceman” Professor Jan Wittman, teaching physics

# The teacher Wawrzeniec (Wawrzyniec) Checinski (Chęciński in Polish language), teaching Latin and calligraphy

# The teacher Marcelli Banasiewicz – teaching general history, arts, geography and technology

# The “replaceman” teacher Stanisław Janicki – teaching Polish, latin and natural history

(+ page 147 gives information about the school: “Faculty School in Pinczow – Short historical information about the Institute”)

I am continuing genealogical research on this Wysocki family.


Tadeusz Wysocki – member of the PTG – Polish Genealogical Society, the member of the PTG – Polish Genealogical Society

Warszawa/Warszaw, Poland, April 13, 2010 Email: dho@dho.com.pl


Email: narodowa@narodowa.pl


Other “finds”:

Below is the translation of the found out the marriage (as the second one for Jordan’s father August Piotr Wysocki) record from Pinczow from the year 1862, telling the place og the origin of the Jordan Wysocki’s father August Wysocki:

I. Roman Catholic Church in Pinczow – the Marriage Record of AUGUST PIOTR WYSOCKI and HENRYKA ANNA ZABOROWSKA

Pinczow. 36.
It happened in Pinczow on the twenty-eighth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, at five o’clock in the evening. We know that in the presence of the witnesses Wgo Jan Rybicki, the Secretary, forty-five years old, and W. Antoni Gajewski, the Cashier of the City Hall of Pinczow, thirty-three years old, residing here in Pinczow today, a religious marriage was contracted by Father Franciszek Smolka (Smółka in Polish language), the Prefect of the Pinczow Junior High School, between blessed Wmjy August Piotr (of two first names) Wysocki, a widower after the death of Monika (Wysocka) née Marczyńska, who died on the twenty-second day of June this year
in Pinczow, the son of Walenty and Joanna from the Urban Wysocki spouses, now deceased, born in the City of Leszno in the Grand Duchy of Poznan, currently seventy-seven years old, the Professor Emeritus, residing here in Pinczow, and Miss Henryka Anna of two first names Zaborowska, daughter of Stanislaw Zaborowski, the sculptor, and Maryanna née family Niemczyski (Niemczyński in Polish language) and the Koniecpol Parish, on the twenty-seventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, twenty-eight years old, residing here in Pinczow with her parents. This marriage was preceded by three Announcements on the twelfth, nineteenth and twenty-sixth of this month and year in the Pinczow Parish Church appeared. The permission for this marriage was verbally declared by the parents of the newlyweds present in the Act. The new spouses declared that they had not entered into any prenuptial agreement. This act was read to the present and witnesses and signed by Us together with them.
Fr. Jacek Langier, the Rector of the Pinczow Parish, Keeping the Registry Office.
Jan Rybicki, Stanisław Zaborowski the Father
Wysocki August
A. Gajewski Jc. Zaboroski
Henryk Wysocki

The above marriage record finally shows the place of the origin of Jordan Wysocki’s father – August (Augustyn) Piotr Wysocki – as the city of Leszno located in the Grand Duchy of Poznan in the 19th century.

Thus, August (Augustyn) Piotr Wysocki was born in Leszno in (around) 1785, and his parents were Walenty Wysocki and Joanna Wysocka née family Urbanski (Urbański in Polish language).

I am trying to continue genealogical research regarding the line of this Wysocki family, this time in the town of Leszno, Grand Duchy of Poznan from the 18th century, and maybe earlier.


1. On 10.12.2022. Cordial help and information was received from Marcin Niewalda from the www.genealogia.okiem.pl website:

Jordan Wysocki’s grandfather was Walenty Wysocki, “The Customs Guard in Leszno”, and he was married on November 20, 1781 (non-noble witnesses). Polish genealogical source: “Teki Dworzaczka” – “Dworzaczka’s Files”.




Family Notes from the year 2021 – JORDAN WYSOCKI’S FAMILY IN ARGENTINA:

JORDAN WYSOCKI: Daughter Ana Wysocki (d. 1938) married Francisco Baragiola. Grandchildren: Jordan, Clara, Luiza Estera, Anna Maria, Jean Enrique.

Message sent to ELENA BARAGIOLA on the 12/12/2022 y to her FB page:

Hi Elena, this is 2022 Christmas a small, symbolic cordial gift for you and all family of Jordan Wysocki in Argentina. I’m still working on Jordan’s family history from Poland (in the most years of the 19th c as Russia), and here is the story with the very short points: Your famous citizen of Argentina Jordan Wysocki was born, as Jordan Szczeslaw Wysocki, in 1837 and in Pinczow – very old Polish town noted from the 15th century. His father August – Augustyn Piotr Wysocki, the local high school professor (teaching mathematics, and geography), was born in 1785 in Leszno – the Polish town noted from the 16th c. The Jordan Wysocki’s grandfather was Walenty Wysocki, the well-known of this Leszno town burgher – for today we know he married in 1781 y Jordan Wysocki’s grandmother Joanna Wysocka. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leszno
And as an additional Christmas cordial gift (and thank you for all family mementos sent in last years from Argentina by your family member Maria Pagano – Maria, cordial personal greetings!) to my virtual gallery Narodowa GA.PA www.narodowa.pl Time to note – with all metrical records of your Jordan Wysocki’s father and grandfather they were noted as the memeber of the Polish Noble families – and finally for today one can say with the high possibility (before finishing the searchings) your Jordan Wysocki’a and all his family the Polish Noble COA was JASTRZEBIEC, here is this your Polish Noble COA with Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jastrz%C4%99biec_coat_of_arms
With a Very Merry Family Christmas and a Happy New 2023 year – to all Jordan Wysocki’s family in Argentina.
PS. Important note:
The invaluable family heirlooms sent more than 10 years ago by MARIA PAGANO from Argentina could be found with the second part of this gallery GA.PA webpage:

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